A casual first meeting of parties looking to improve many aspects for the whole of Southern Goyder met at the Robertstown Community Centre on the 20th February 2019.

Present were Lynn Wallace (Economic Development Officer, Mid North Region, Regional Development Australia Yorke and Mid North), John Neal (Robertstown Ward Councilor), Barb Button (Regional Council of Goyder, Community Engagement Officer), Gayle Schmidt (Robertstown Community Representative), Peter Herriman (Eudunda Community, Business & Tourism Representative – ECBAT).
A brief summary of the Community Centre, local businesses, services, the current drought conditions and the status of possible solar farms ensued, The injection of drought relief funding for the sporting complexes in Eudunda & Robertstown as seen as great long term investments and recent hay drops have been positive short term ones, Concerns of the drought extending for a longer period and how to help local businesses survive were raised. Training was also discussed, for all ages.
Discussion was also about long term projects, investment in capacity and people.
The Robertstown War Memorial Community Centre has applied for a Community Development Officer” position in a recent grant. The hope is that this position would work for the benefit of the whole of Southern Goyder. The grant has only just been submitted so there is no news at this stage.
It was suggested that a “Business Directory” be developed as a first step in helping local businesses to reach out to local customers, who may not realize what services and goods are available to them. It is also a great way to ask our local people to support our local businesses. The result of losing any more businesses could cripple our region.
By good fortune, ECBAT volunteers have just recently refreshed thier mailing list database as they reached out to the Eudunda & District’s businesses and organisations for support of thier Silo Art Project. This will be a good start, with just over 80 businesses in the list. We now hope to add Point Pass and Robertstown (and districts) Businesses to the list so that we are thinking “Regionally” and will soon begin approaching businesses of Southern Goyder to consider listing in the directory.
We hope to have ALL Businesses join the mailing list, so watch out for our email and any messages we might send so you do not miss out. The mailing list is employed to keep you informed.
We would like not just the Businesses in the main streets of our towns, but those out in the back roads, the sheds and houses. You deserve to be listed too, and our community will also appreciate knowing what services are available locally, and not have to seek them further away.
“The aim will be to encourage everyone, both Businesses and Residents to “Try and Buy Local First”.
For some services that might mean in a neighbouring town, or several towns away. It might mean trying of buy “Locally” say at Kapunda, or in one of the regional towns, Clare, The Barossa or Gawler.
The meeting was very positive and results coming from it could lay the foundations for a future “Community Development Officer” to be off with a flying start.
The directory itself still has details to be worked out and funded approved. We will let everyone know as these are sorted out.
The group have at the moment informally called themselves the “Southern Goyder Working Party” (SGWP) and they hope to keep you informed on actions happening soon – so please don’t ‘Bin Us’ and check your SPAM Boxes regularly (and please white list us (or add to trusted) once you see our email).
Photo L-R: Gayle Schmidt (Robertstown), Barb Button (Regional Council of Goyder), John Neal (robertstown Ward Councillor), Lynn Wallace (Regional Development Australia Yorke and Mid North).