ECBAT News Brief for March 2017

A number of members of the Eudunda Community, Business & Tourism (ECBaT), a representative from SA Ambulance and several other interested community members attended the March meeting of the Regional Council of Goyder to listen to the discussions concerning the parking in Bruce Street. Any changes are currently on hold as the council seeks further information from the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI) and the Council’s insurers, the Local Government Liability Scheme.

A small group gathered on Clean Up Australia Day and collected 8-10 bags of rubbish and mowed the areas around the Gustav town signs at the northern and eastern entrances to the town. Thank you to these hard working helpers.

ECBaT has applied for funding to be able to install a number of security cameras which will view the main street shopping precinct and the Colin Thiele garden area. Over the years these places have been subject to vandalism and it is hoped that this will deter further damage and enable the police to be able to charge those responsible.

Council has supported ECBaT in placing a grant application with the Department of Recreation and Sport to purchase a cover for the swimming pool, a hoist for the disabled to enter the pool, as well as additional shade areas and protective fencing.

The original first grader for the Eudunda District Council is available for purchase from its current owner who has fully restored it. ECBaT does not have the funds to purchase it and do not have anywhere to store it but are in discussions with the Council and would also welcome any assistance from interested members of the community.

Both the caravan park and the community hub are continuing to progress. An offer has been made to the community hub to donate a shed full of tools from the late husband of a lady in the Barossa.

Volunteers’ Week is held annually in May to thank all of the volunteers who help to make our community the active and attractive place that it is, ECBaT is arranging a free thank you afternoon tea to be held on Sunday 7th May in the Eudunda Hall.