1 Electranet Project Energy Connect – Interconnector
From the Robertstown Power Substation to the SA/NSW border.
Electranet are managing the construction of the transmission line & power substations for the project & the section between Robertstown & Morgan is of particular interest to the local community.
The power transmission line is being constructed by Downers & other substation work will be undertaken by Consolidated Power Projects at Robertstown substation and a new smaller substation at Bundey about 12 kms from the Robertstown substation.
Downers held a Local Industry Briefing Session at the Renmark Club in Renmark on 24 February 2022 & a number of Riverland & several Mid-Murray businesses attended the session.
Construction on the project is expected to commence in April/May 2022 starting on the SA/NSW border & moving west back to Robertstown. Downer have now indicated that they will be using local Riverland accommodation for the initial stages of the project & then camp accommodation for approx 130 workers in Morgan for the final stages commencing later in 2022. Consolidated Power Projects will be employing approximately 50 workers on the power substation work commencing in May 2022 & they will be using local accommodation housing available on the Goyder Council register in the Robertstown, Eudunda & surrounding areas.
Electranet & Consolidated Power Projects will be using several houses in Morgan for manager style accommodation from April 2022 & these houses were sourced from the Morgan & surrounds accommodation register prepared by the Mid-Murray Council.
Both Downers & Consolidated Power Projects have been provided with registers of civil contractors, industrial fencing contractors, freight contractors, catering contractors & motor vehicle repair & tyre services in the Goyder & Morgan regions.
2 Neoen – Goyder Renewables Zone
Stage 1,2 & 3 – South of Burra & North of Robertstown near Koonoona Road, World’s End & Bright.
Neoen are the Developers, Owners & Operators of the project & are now progressing steadily to commence South Stage 1A & 1B for the construction of approximately 75 wind turbines in the hills between Burra & Robertstown and Koonoona Road.
At this stage there are 2 companies who are Consortium Partners with Neoen & are overseeing the project:
- GE Renewable Energy who will be supplying & installing the wind turbines & commissioning the windfarm control system. GE Renewable Energy is a division of GE focusing on production of energy from renewable resources.
- Green Light who will be:
1) designing & supplying all wind farm civil infrastructure (foundations, roads & buildings)
2) design & supply all wind farm civil electrical infrastructure (33kv cables, earthing, communications, wind farm control system) &
3) Design, supply & commission HV substation and overhead power line. Green Light is a wholly owned subsidiary of Elecnor who are specialists in the integrated management of infrastructure projects.
The following recent information was extracted from the Goyder Energy News website.
“Neoen has now officially launched its flagship Goyder Renewables Zone, providing ‘notice to proceed’ under a turn-key contract to a consortium of GE Renewable Energy and for the construction of a 412 MW wind farm known as Goyder South Stage 1.
The wind farm will consist of 75 GE 5.5-158 Cypress turbines, a model that has been widely deployed in Australia and across the world. The power plant will be connected to ElectraNet’s Robertstown substation via a new transmission line.
Pre-construction work has commenced throughout Stage 1 of the Goyder South project. The work involves Geo-tech testing continuing environmental and heritage surveys. Major construction works are scheduled to start in Q2 2022. The wind farm is expected to be operational in 2024.”
The major contractor, Greenlight, has commenced the rental of approximately 5 houses in the Burra & Farrell Flat areas for their management staff, but the major uptake of worker accommodation will only occur in the last quarter of 2022. Accommodation providers can contact Mel Zerner on Mobile 0418 852 353 to register their interest & businesses providing other services can register their interest in the project via the website “Industry Capability Network”.
3 EPS Energy/AMP Energy – Robertstown Solar
Near Robertstown Power Substation, 5kms north-east of Robertstown.
EPS Energy announced on 4 May 2021 the selection of Amp Energy as the successful development partner to progress the EPS Solar & Energy Storage facility at Robertstown.
The following information was provided by Dean Cooper, Head of the Asia Pacific region of Amp Energy:
Amp Power Australia Pty Ltd, the Australian operation arm of Amp Energy, are proceeding with the grid connection process for the integrated Robertstown Solar and Energy storage site. The project’s commencement dates are subject to delays associated with Project Energy Connect (Interconnector), but in the interim they are advertising on the Industry Capability Network Gateway for contractors interested in providing services. An Engineering Procurement Construction manager has not yet been appointed.
Near Florieton between Burra & Morgan.
The project includes a 200MW photovoltaic array comprising 630000 solar panels and a 200MW battery at a capital cost of $480 million. The project is estimated to require 250 workers over the construction period of 2 years. A contracting company, AECOM, is doing technical & engineering work on a Transmission Construction Agreement which is expected to be completed in the September 2021 quarter. After that, the company will progress to appointing an Engineering Procurement Construction contractor with construction estimated to commence at the beginning of 2022.
After numerous attempts, I have not been able to obtain any updated information on this project since the last report in August 2021.
Approx 16 kms north-east of Eudunda.
Green Gold Energy plan to build a 150MW solar farm with 300 jobs created. A Development Application has been lodged with Crown Sponsorship granted & the State Government review is in progress. Connection approval to the grid is expected to be given by the end of 2022 with an Engineering Procurement Construction manager to be appointed in early 2023 and with construction planned to commence at the end of 2023. Project scope may well be changed to add a battery storage system to the project.
They are also planning a 100MW solar farm on the Goyder Highway near Morgan and are awaiting Development Application approval for that project as well.
Between Eudunda and Kapunda.
The project involves the construction of 51 wind turbines producing 613000 MWh of power per year. Approx 160 workers are expected during construction. They are progressing with the various planning and permitting workstreams with an anticipated date of commencement in October 2022.
After numerous attempts, I have not been able to obtain any updated information on this project since the last report in August 2021.
SA Water announced on 10 January 2022, that they are planning to replace sections of the Morgan Whyalla pipeline commencing in March 2022. The pipeline is a 358 kilometre long, above ground pipeline that was constructed in the 1940’s for the transfer of bulk water supplies to the Iron Triangle cities of Port Pirie, Port Augusta and Whyalla and supply to the Mid North, Yorke Peninsula and Eyre Peninsula water distribution networks.
SA Water, together with contractors, McConnell Dowell Diona Joint Venture are planning to replace up to 34 kilometres of the pipeline and most of this replacement will be occurring on the section between Morgan and Burra. The sections being replaced will be constructed adjacent to the existing pipeline and will remain above ground.
SA Water have advised that they are interested in connecting with local businesses who may be able to provide opportunities during construction for accommodation, catering and other services. They have been provided with various contractor & accommodation information in the Morgan, Robertstown & Eudunda regions. Construction is expected to commence in May 2022.
Local Advantages & Benefits
The Regional Council of Goyder councilors & staff, the Burra Community Association, Eudunda Community Business & Tourism Committee (ECBAT), the Robertstown & District Community & Management Committee & the Mid-Murray Council are ensuring that the maximum possible impact & interaction is gained from these projects in the local communities from Burra to Eudunda & Morgan by connecting the contractors of each project to the local labour force, accommodation & food providers & other businesses. This is being done as a community service project with Mel Zerner, a former local Eudunda resident, voluntarily assisting Goyder Council & the other community groups in this initiative.
Mel is in regular contact with the key owners or employees of all of the above projects to obtain status reports and then respond to their local requirements as required.