Earlier this year the Eudunda Christmas Party committee decided not to hold a street party like we have in past years due to Covid-19 and the rules and restrictions surrounding large crowd gatherings at events such as these. Instead, the committee have been busy planning a few alternate ways to spread some Christmas Cheer.
As well as the normal Santa’s Magic Cave, we are also running a ‘Light Up Christmas 2020’ Competition for anyone within the Eudunda, Point Pass, Robertstown and surrounding areas. We want you to decorate your house, business, farm gate, letter box or paddock with anything Christmas related-not limited to a fancy light display (I am sure there are a few spare hay bales ready to be decorated lying around).
We have some great prizes lined up for three different categories.
Registrations are free-please contact Eudunda Newsagency, or message us on Facebook ‘Eudunda Christmas Party’ to register your display (thanks to those who have already registered!).
Registrations will close on 5th December with the winners announced on the 11th of December.
All entries will be published on a map so that the wider community can enjoy the Christmas cheer.
Looking forward to seeing some wonderful Christmas displays over the coming weeks!
Kind regards,
Eudunda Christmas Party Committee