All Eudunda Ward Electors – Please Read This Urgently.
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So – Eudunda Electors – Write a submission Now! Don’t let your rights be sidetracked.
SUBMISSIONS CLOSE JANUARY 11th 2021 – QUICK RESPONSE NEEDED! If you don’t have much time you can still send a quick submission to David Stephenson, Regional Council of Goyder, and send to emoore@goyder.sa.gov.au. That you wish to have a fair representation on Council and that with the current options you see Option 4 – Have an additional councilor in the Eudunda ward making 3 with 8 councilors overall, from the “Representation Options Paper – ELECTOR REPRESENTATION REVIEW – November 2020“ being the best option suggested, and that there should be no boundary changes. You may wish to additionally make sure your email got through by requesting a ‘read receipt’ and phoning Emily to confirm she received your email submission

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