The Regional Council of Goyder has elected a small committee to look at consistancy of the signage around the council area. Drawings of proposed town welcome signs were forwarded to ECBaT along with a related questionnaire to be returned to the council with our thoughts. The current signage has become faded and even unreadable in a number of locations and with the council updating its logo it felt it was time to develop this further throughout the council communities. Consultation with ECBaT and other town CMC’s is an important part of the process. After receiving all the feedback a draft of our town entrance sign will be received from council for further comment from ECBaT.

Note: ECBAT has asked for the above suggested graphic to be modified, to remove the windmill, make the word Eudunda larger and stronger, and insert the town slogan underneath, “Valley of Hidden Treasures”.
The Information Bay at the ‘top carpark’ has been on the agenda of ECBaT for some time with plans to tidy and update it along with the walkway to the lookout. The slab has been laid for a table and seats to be installed and plantings along the walkway and at the lookout to take place shortly.
ECBaT is investigating further the idea of removing the advertising signs in the information shelter, many of which are out of date, and replacing them with photos. These would be both historical and current, along with a small story to each, to encourage people to come into our town to purchase goods and look around.
Daniel Rowett (Country Road Funerals) shared with us some of the work that he does here in Eudunda and surrounding districts. They are a family owned business and he and Rebekka work also as Adelaide Budget Cremations in Adelaide. Danny is planning to open a funeral home in Riverton shortly.
The question has been asked of ECBaT as to why Eudunda does not have a Bushfire Last Resort Refuge sign at the oval as many surrounding towns have. Eudunda township is classified by the CFS as a Bushfire Safer Place and therefore the last resort refuge is not necessary. A Bushfire Safer Place is a place of relative safety and it may be used as a place for people to stay in or as a place of first resort for those who have decided they will leave high risk locations early on a high fire risk day. Residents should still have a prepared bushfire safety plan and further details can be found on the CFS website.
There have been a number of issues with signage and lack of signage in relation to the Heavy Vehicle Bypass which have been brought to Council’s attention and they are now talking with DPTI to address these.