It was pleasing to received word from council that they will pay for the repair and replacement of the Goyder’s Line plaque. This plaque from the Deep Creek parking area has over the years become worn and the cairn into which it was fixed had crumbled. The bronze plaque has now been re-polished and will be securely placed into a new cairn to make the spot where Goyder’s Line crosses the Thiele Highway.

Unfortunately the watering of the town gardens is still an ongoing issue. Council is receiving quotes to repair or replace the current mismatched watering system and is continuing to work with SA Water to finalise the EPA approval for the use of the recycled water in the gardens. ECBaT members are very concerned about the continuous issues with the watering system at both the gardens and the oval precinct and the cost of Alano Water to resolve these problems.
The Caravan Park continues to have a fantastic occupancy rate and is fully booked for the Easter weekend. There have been many positive comments from travelers who have visited the park and enjoyed the town and gardens.
The sporting clubrooms gave an update on the progress with applying for grants to upgrade the area. They are currently focusing on female facilities. The netball courts have recently been resurfaced and relined in readiness for the coming season.
The monthly markets held by the Community Hub are proving to very successful with plenty of stall holders attending. They encourage the community to come along each month and take the opportunity to purchase the wide range of merchandise available.
The Next Market is on the 7th April

The Eudunda Miniature Debutante Ball data has been announced as the 22nd June 2018. This event is a great fundraiser for the Eudunda Christmas Party Committee.
Check the additional information and entry form page here.
Remember Forms (including $20 entrance fee per participant) must be returned before Monday 9th of April – see the PDF on that page.