Eudunda Community Business and Tourism needs more help.
With the presentation of the regular financial report at the Eudunda Community Business and Tourism June committee meeting, the question was asked, “where does ECBaT get its funds?”
After each AGM letters are sent to businesses in the area asking them to become financial members of ECBaT and this results in a number of them responding with a financial membership. The caravan park has started to show a small profit, however, at this stage most of this needs to be used to improve and maintain the facility. This is the only income ECBaT has. They do not have a bucket of money to donate to worthy causes or to put into large projects within the community.
“Where does ECBaT get its funds?”
The constitution of ECBaT includes in its objects and purposes that they are to provide a close partnership between the Goyder Council and the Eudunda Community, they are to work for the improvement of local facilities and attractions and to provide support and encouragement to local businesses as well as promote local tourism.
Working with the Goyder Council ECBaT can request funding for various projects and with the support of the council they put on the Australia Day breakfast for the community at no charge.
They have also worked with council in establishing the caravan park, marking and cataloging grave-sites, renewing the Goyder’s Line cairn on the Goyder Highway and are currently refreshing the information bay in the top carpark.

It was through working with council that the community’s voice was heard in relation to the parking in the main street and the heavy vehicle bypass.
Council have also contacted ECBaT to submit ideas and be part of the Goyder Master Plan 2018-2033 and currently with the updating of the signage leading into our town.
ECBaT is a very important voice with council to represent out community and even though it may not be a very public face be assured it is working hard behind the scenes.
With the AGM being held in July it needs community minded people who are willing to be a part of the committee which is made up of five business representatives and five community people.
Several of the current members have indicated that they will no longer be nominating for the committee and so the opportunity is there for new people to step forward.
Nomination forms will be delivered to households in the next few weeks so please put your name forward and be part of the decision making for your community.