It was pleasing to have the CEO of the Regional Council of Goyder, David Stevenson, and Barb Launer, the Community Engagement Officer, present at our monthly meeting. During the meeting they presented the Goyder Master Plan, which is a work in progress, and asked members to consider what are the short, medium and long term needs for the Eudunda community. This will be discussed further at the next ECBaT meeting in February.

The recycled watering of both the oval and town gardens is ongoing and ECBaT are writing again to council requesting an immediate response to the problems. They would also like Council, together with ECBaT and the garden volunteers, to develop sustainable management arrangements for the gardens and oval precinct into the future.
The Christmas Street Party Committee again did a wonderful job last year but is now looking for some new volunteers to continue the work. Without this there may not be a Christmas Street Party in the future. With the money raised by this hard working group they have donated $1500 towards extra lighting and security cameras for the town gardens.
The possibility of a regular council maintenance person being assigned to Eudunda was discussed with the CEO and how the current time allocation is made will be investigated by Mr Stevenson. Signage in the area was also discussed and Goyder Council has recently elected a committee to address this over the whole council area.
Our town oval precinct is our designated “safe place” in the event of a bushfire and the CEO will also check with staff as to why we do not have signage indicating this.
Australia Day Breakfast plans are well in hand and hopefully will be well attended. This is a free event put on each year by ECBaT, supported by council, to recognise those who have contributed to our community. The committee congratulated the chairperson, Trevor Mathews and his wife, on receiving the Citizen of the Year award for Eudunda.