Due to the regular monthly April meeting falling on the eve of ANZAC it was decided to postpone the meeting for a week.
The ECBaT committee welcomed the Regional Council of Goyder CEO and three of its councillors to the monthly meeting. Also in attendance was Deb Suggate who has recently opened her shop “Umoya” in the main street of Eudunda where she is selling homewares and local products. Deb is also planning workshops in relations to the arts and is keen to be involved in the community.
The irrigation system in the town gardens is up and running again albeit on mains water as council works with SA Health to obtain the necessary approval to use the recycled water. After the challenge of a long dry summer the volunteers in the gardens have done a wonderful job with keeping the gardens looking attractive.

RC Goyder has agreed in the next financial year to put aside funds to assist with the rising cost of electricity in the information centres. A new marketing manager for Tourism, Arts & Heritage will be appointed shortly to assist all of the towns within Goyder with their needs.
The caravan park is continuing to perform well and is currently looking into adding a washing machine and dryer to the facilities. A room was set aside for this within the swimming pool amenities when they were built.
Council staff are continuing to work on installing a half-pipe skate facility onto Acropetal Park next to the swimming pool. The area will also be beautified with tree plantings and a fence to protect from the oval car parking area.
The heavy vehicle bypass road is no longer owned by council but is now the responsibility of Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI). Questions were raised as to the signage or lack of signage in various areas of the road. These need to be directed directly to DPTI for clarification or requests of any further signage. The painting of faded parking lines in the main street has been deferred by council until it receives confirmation of the angle of parking permitted from DPTI.