Club or Organisation Register

Please tell the Eudunda Community, Business & Tourism Committee what your current Club or Organisation Details are.
On the initial time you use this form please fill in as much information as you can.
On subsequent times – you only need to fill in information which has changed. We will currently manually update the details on the web portal.
You will be able to check what we currently have on file by looking for your club on the Eudunda Web Portal listing.
Check by clicking on the appropriate link SPORTS OR CLUBS AND ORGANISATIONS

    * Required entry in this field,
    + Will be published to register, % Won't be published at this time
    Note: We won't be publishing email addresses in an effort to reduce spam
    but they are very important to us, so we can efficiently and economically work with you.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you press the Register or Update - Send Now Button
    There was an error trying to send your message. Please try again later
    Don't close the page and try click button again in about 10 seconds.

    Another common error message is that you have not filled in one of the required fields
    If you scroll back up the field(s) with the problem should be highlighted with yellow and error message.