The Eudunda Community, Business and Tourism Committee (ECBAT) was able to gain ward funding to purchase and erect a large new community pin-board.

The new board is located between the Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery and Foodland Eudunda. It’s a prime position!
The board has been very popular and was full within the first week it was put up. Since then it has been maintained very well, with hardly any old signs, mainly due to the competition for space.
The priority will be to have local signs, events, adverts first.

It should be mentioned that Trevor Mathews, our ECBAT Chairperson has been the project lead on this one, and without his efforts this major improvement to communications within the district would not have happened. Plus ‘visually’ this pinboard is much more appealing that what was previously there, enhancing to look of the town. The job of putting it up was completed by “Volunteers” – Trevor Mathews, Luke Herriman and Peter Herriman.
To put a notice on this board please contact the Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery or Goyder Electrical