As the members of the Eudunda, Community, Business and Tourism Committee (ECBAT) we would like to acknowledge the fantastic work that our region’s volunteers do for the community – A Big ‘Thank You’ to you all.
We especially thank our own hard working sub-committees: Eudunda Gardens, Eudunda Christmas Party, Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery, Eudunda Community Op Shop, Eudunda Hall & Catering, Eudunda Caravan Park, Eudunda 150th, SALA, and all those who volunteer to help support thier efforts.
Volunteering brings people together; it builds communities and creates a better society for everyone.
National Volunteer Week is a chance for all of us to celebrate and recognise the vital work of volunteers and to say thank you.
Together, through volunteering we are changing communities for the better.
We are, Better Together.
Find out more about volunteering by calling in on our local volunteer groups
or more at volunteeringaustralia.org
#NVW2022 #BetterTogether #WaveForVolunteers