Friday 12th December, 2014
This is an Annual Event supported by ECBAT. The volunteers can always use more help. As this is a big event for the region planning has already started, so you can register your help with the volunteers now.
Ask Katie Preston 8581 1051. Event page on eudunda.net.
Close to the event you can register to have a float, can be skate board, bike, walking, motorised.In 2013 the very small committee of ran a super event – combining it with a Fundraiser Auction which raised well over twenty thousand dollars for the local hospitals to gain valuable equipment. A fantastic effort girls! And Also to Budgie for great humour and skill in auctioning everything and also to the community who backed them with donations and purchases at the auction.They are going to do it again this year, with a slightly different format, so keep watching the news to find out more, and please consider helping them out.Shown below is a YouTube video taken of the Inaugrual 2009 Street Parade.
Thanks to video photography & editing by David Gibb

August 2014
A fantastic month for South Australia and locally in Eudunda as all the artists in the district combine to have one great festival over August.
SALA Eudunda 2014 – Funky Junk Too
Funky Junk Too! After such a great display and participation last year it was discovered many people still wanted to do more, and the local committee has listened to them with Funky Junk Too!

2nd & 3rd Aug 2014
A fantastic weekend where many Ex-Locals & Friends return to celebrate thier heritage with Eudunda and the Eudunda Golf Club as they have a
‘Day with their Dads’ (or Mums).
Two Days:
Saturday: Edgar Zander Legacy Golf Day
Sunday: JAK Golf Day Click to see thier website

Eudunda’s Web Portal
Find out what is happening in the Southern Goyder Region.
Find links to lots of information, current and collected over the years. Looking for contact details for local Clubs, Organisations, Businesses, Photos, Tourism Info, Major Events, Major Towns and Regions, News Items.If you plan to run an event
Check out the Southern Goyder Community Calendar
to see what are the best days and times to run it, perhaps to work with other events happening at the same time.

Congratulations to “The Herald” Newspaper for their excellent 2 page special presentation on Eudunda.

A special thanks to those businesses who ran support adverts to help promote Eudunda. ECBAT encourage all local businesses, big and small to join our membership so that we can work together to promote the district and help all businesses and the community to prosper.
Community members are also encouraged to participate to help in our efforts.

For Mid North Region 2013
at the KESAB Sustainable Communities (Tidy Towns)
Celebrations were in order at the Eudunda Australia Day Breakfast in the Centenary Gardens (Colin Thiele) on the 26th Jan 2014 as the community celebrates with ECBAT that Eudunda has again won this significant award.
2009 & again in 2013
ECBAT Committee Members attending the recent KESAB Sustainable Communities (Tidy Towns) Awards were surprised and proud to accept the award for Eudunda.
Don’t forget to attend the Australia Day breakfast to celebrate.
Additionally local KESAB Tidy Towns Awards & ECBAT Christmas Lights Awards were also presented at the breakfast.
This is an annual event organised by ECBAT.
Why not join ECBAT and keep our community strong.

2013 – 2014
Please support our local businesses and keep people employed locally. You may not be aware that these businesses often give back much to the community in sponsorship and donations, goods and time to keep the community healthy and happy,Check them out and support them.

May 21st 2014
Eudunda Hotel Motel is the place to attend when Eudunda will celebrate all our Volunteers for the Community with a breakfast. This event has been supported by the Regional Council of Goyder and ECBAT,
in recognition of the efforts of all the volunteers in the Eudunda Community and the Region as well.
The positive effect that have had on our town over the past year is tremendous and worth so much to the community.You can also get excited and join in theNational Volunteer Week Parade 2014Monday 12 May 2014. Gathering at the Torrens Parade Ground at 10:30am, for an 11:15am start and the Official Launch at Victoria Square, 12 noon (more info)
Horses in Action at Eudunda Show
Speed Shearing at Eudunda Show
Sunday 9th November 2014
Guest Opener – Rob Kerin Chairperson Primary Producers SA – will open the show at 1pm.
PRIMARY PRODUCERS SA (PPSA) IS THE PEAK BODY REPRESENTING PRIMARY PRODUCERS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA. The foundation members of PPSA are the following 6 commodity groups: Grain Producers SA, Livestock SA, Horticulture Coalition of SA, Wine Grape Council of SA, South Australian Dairyfarmers Association, Pork SA.
You will find many other things to look at and enjoy.Some previous items have been:Speed Shearing, Young Farmer Challenge, Motorcycle Muster is back again, Show Girls/Boys, Computer LAN Gaming for the
Youth, ECBAT Colouring Competition, Gustav Trail for the kids, Poultry & Pigeons, Animals, Horses in Action, Machinery, plus all the other highlights of a “Country” Show, Trade Spaces, animals & birds, many produce, craft, food, beer, flowers, wool, school displays.There is always lots to see and do, old friends to meet and a good time to be had.Check out the web site where we have photos of previous years shows!Gates open to public at 10:00am and close at 6:00pm.
Southern Goyder Community Calendar Do you have anything you would like to add to it?
email us from the Calendar website.
This includes, Family, Class, Club re-unions, Open Days, anything you think is special this year or if you know in advance please let us know so the word can get out there even earlier.
eudunda.net – this web site has become the main focus (Web Portal) for the region of Southern Goyder)its service centre or Eudunda. Why not visit? Consider buying locally if you can – Our current Business Members support ECBAT and the Community – give them a go.