ECBAT Business Members Old Listing

ECBAT recommend that everyone consider
to keep jobs and services in our district.

You can do this by supporting our ECBAT Business Members
Listed below are our current members for 2019-2020. (alphabetic order)


2019 – 2020 Business Member List

(ECBAT Businesses Members with mark #Ads are showing adverts on various websites – ASK about having your own advert

For anyone not listed here – there is still time to join.
Support the organisation representing you locally!

Please support our local businesses and keep people employed locally.
You may not be aware that these businesses often give back much to the community in sponsorship and donations, goods and time to keep the community healthy and happy,
Many of the businesses support multiple organisations.

Just ask yourself before considering buying outside of the district – Would that business donate to any of the organisations supporting Eudunda or relying on Eudunda to survive? If the answer is ‘Most likely NOT’ then please consider at least seeing if a Eudunda Business can supply your needs, chances are they will be able to give you a competitive price and good service, and you and the district win in the end. At least ask.

Goyder Electrical is a great example of one local business giving ‘plenty’ back to the community. Each year at Christmas time Andrew Partington and the lads from Goyder Electrical devote much of a day putting up the Christmas Lights on the tree in the Centennial Gardens (Colin Thiele Park). In recent years they have also helped with the electrics to run the big ‘Eudunda Christmas Street Party which is held in the park.
We – the community thank you (Goyder Electrical) very much!

Another example.

Recently a local person called their local computer shop Web South in Eudunda asking if they were able to supply an Internet Security package which was going to expire on their computer. They had bought the package from Web South on recommendation in the first place. As they used the software itself was offering that they renew the licence on the internet for a ‘Special’ price, originally $49.95 down to $39.95. Luckily Web South has several in stock and was able to offer a two year version for $68.40, a further saving. It is worth asking.

Please ask us if you would like to be listed here by becoming an ECBAT member.

Thinking of starting a new business in the area?
Here are a few resources:

Start Research with Local Resources
Regional Development Australia Yorke and Mid North
Starting a Business

SA.GOV.AU – Business and Trade  – Starting a business

Department of State Development (SA) – Small Business
Starting your business

A guide to starting a business in South Australia (PDF)

Food South Australia – Starting a Business – food related

Business – Plan & Start (SA Government)


Why not ask about having a web page written for you?

Or would you like a complete web site (multipage)
Web South – Southern Goyder’s  local web design company caterers to varying needs,
Or have a go yourself and tell us the link.

FULL EUDUNDA Business Listing

(Click on link above to go to the Business Listing page
on the main web portal –