The Eudunda Community, Business & Tourism Committee (ECBAT) would like to congratulate David Stevenson (Regional Council of Goyder CEO) on his appointment to the Regional Development Australia Yorke and Mid North (RDAYMN) Board. Additionally we congratulate Katrina Athanasos and Mayor Sue Scarman who were also appointment to the RDAYMN Board.
Quote and photo from the RDAYMN Facebook page

RDA Yorke and Mid North welcomes three new board members starting this week, with Katina Athanasos, Mayor Sue Scarman and David Stevenson all joining the Board.
RDA Yorke and Mid North Chair Bill Vandepeer spoke of his excitement in having the three new board members commencing as part of the organisation. “I am thrilled to have people of the calibre of Katina, Sue and David joining our board. Their combination of education, tourism, local government and commercial expertise will complement those brought by our current board to enhance our ability to work with regional stakeholders to seize the opportunities and address the challenges prevailing in our communities.” said Mr Vandepeer.
The RDAYMN are involved in many projects across the region, you can check them out by visiting their website