The Eudunda Community, Business and Tourism Committee (ECBAT) has noticed how hard it is for our community to get information out to the local residents and businesses, how did we know this? We are experiencing the same problems.
There does not seem to be any one “Great way to do it” – especially when there is little or no budget to do so. Everyone seems to be looking in different places for different things. Do you want to advertise an event or something, perhaps something for sale? So your best bet is to try all the various methods.

Here are some ideas:-
- Community Notice Board is centrally located in the main shopping area of Bruce Street, and everyone ‘checks it out’. Please no bigger than A4.
- Eudunda Post Office Notice board – limited space, but lots of people see it, and many are ones that might not come into the township as often. No bigger than A5.
- Local shop windows to display in thier window, tell them what you are trying to achieve.
- Southern Goyder Newsletter – Yes – contact Peter for help – currently local events and adverts are FREE.
- Contact ECBAT for Regional Websites & Social Media, we have built up quite a network of websites and social media and can place your notice in the best places.
- A Big Event Banner – you have a budget, produce a banner or sign and display it, don’t forget there are three entrances to the town.
- Local Radio Stations – some have free announcements for local community groups, and may be able to give cheap advertising rates.
- Local Newspapers – ask them if they can help promote your event, Consider a advert to help promote your event. Currently the region is well supported, with “The Leader” and “Barossa & Light Herald” being Barossa Papers, the “Northern Argus” a Clare based newspaper and the “Plains Producer” a Balaklava based newspaper
- Local School Newsletters – certain items might be acceptable in these newsletters
- Robertstown – They have a couple of central points where thier locals check, the Community Centre Notice Board and Lehmann’s General Store
Do you have another spot that you would like to share with us?
Within a day of first putting the board up, it was almost full and within the week it was full and deemed a great success as it has been regularly refreshed and mostly filled with info.
Please also contact us to put your item in this newsletter. Doing so will also help your message be seen online. Depending on your article – if it is an event – then it can also be placed in the
“Southern Goyder Community Calendar“
Events & news on the ECBAT sites get distributed around to several other websites and social media (where appropriate).