Community Consultation – Eudunda Township Master Plan
What should Eudunda look like in 20 years time?
Council is interested in community views on development opportunities for the Eudunda Township. Let us know your thoughts on the type of development required and where this should occur.
How you can get involved?
- Complete the online survey – PLEASE COMPLETE THE SURVEY HERE
- Attend the listening post at the Eudunda Visitor Information Outlet on 6th November (10.30am – 12noon and 2-4pm)
To discuss this with Council staff and planning consultants MasterPlan. - Attend the ECBaT Meeting on 6th November from 6.30pm (meeting at 7pm for presentation) at the Saints Clubhouse
The Eudunda Township Master Plan is being prepared to provide an outline for appropriate growth and development of Eudunda Township over the next 20 years. The plan, developed with and for the community, will establish a land use framework to enable development, whilst maintaining the important rural character and charm of Eudunda.
Council has recognised a need to develop a strategic Master Plan for Eudunda Township, to inform and facilitate the appropriate future development that supports economic development, supports job growth and provides opportunities for community and business development for a diverse community. Development of the Eudunda Township Master Plan will be utilised to provide submissions to the Yorke Peninsula and Mid North Regional Plan which is currently being prepared by the State Government. Council wishes to identify changes that may be required to the current zoning of land within Eudunda Township to inform the new Regional Plan.
We would like to hear from the community about the growth and development of Eudunda Township. Council has identified some land use and development opportunities for discussion with the community, as shown on the Development Options Plan here.
Consultation closes 22nd November 2024