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Australia Day Awards
Eudunda Australia Day Breakfast and Community Awards 2024

Eudunda Australia Day Breakfast and Community Awards 2024
Some 170 people, a good attendance for the event enjoyed superb weather and a great morning's breakfast. The catering was put on by the Goyder YAC including egg and bacon rolls, with orange juice and champagne, tea & coffee supplied by the ECBAT Committee.
Everyone was entertained by by local singer and songwriter Nathan Bruhn who sang many popular songs. A big thanks to Nathan as he also lets ECBAT use his amp system for the offical part of the morning.
The Eudunda Community, Business & Tourism (ECBAT) Committee were very pleased with the attendance and the day. ECBAT organises the event each year on Australia Day, with sponsorship from the Regional Council of Goyder.
A big congratulations to Greg Post for becoming Eudunda's Citizen of the Year, and Henry Schutz winning Eudunda's Young Citizen of the Year and the Eudunda Street Party Committee for the 2022 Christmas Celebrations as Eudunda's Event of the Year.
A second congratulations goes to both Greg Post and Henry Schutz as they were also announced as the overal Regional Council of Goyder's Citizen and Young Citizen of the year meaning for the whole of the council area
For Eudunda the following awards were announced with presentations by Eudunda Ward Councillor & Deputy Mayor Debbie Hibbert and Councillor Judy Partington.
Eudunda KESAB Sustainable Communities Awards
Award Category | Award Recipient |
Best Presented Garden/property | Greg & Bobbie Post |
Best Presented Garden | Ron & Judy Milde |
Best Presented Property for Residents over 70 | Pat Obst |
Most Improved Garden/property | Kim O’Brien |
Most Improved Rural Garden/Property | Allan & Pam Kleinig |
Best Presented Business Premises | Wild Woodland Collective & Co |
Best Presented Community Grounds | Eudunda Area School |
Most Outstanding Christmas Lights Display | N/A: Awarded earlier by another Community group |
Australia Day Awards
Award Category | Award Recipient |
Event of the Year | Eudunda Christmas Street Party 2022 Note: this is for the 2022 event due to timing when judging set) |
Active Citizen of the Year | Alison Schutz |
Young Citizen of the Year | Henry Schutz |
Citizen of the Year | Greg Post |
Regional Council of Goyder Australia Day Awards
Award Category | Award Recipient |
Goyder Young Citizen of the Year | Henry Schutz |
Goyder Citizen of the Year | Greg Post |
Also congratulations to Robertstown's Citizen of the Year - Greg Kotz
Robertstown's Junior Citizen of the Year - Karl Milde
Robertstown's Community Event of the Year - Centenary of Robertstown Primary School & Peace Hall
Robertstown's Active Citizenship - Joe Ross
2024 Flier

Eudunda Australia Day Breakfast and Community Awards 2023
2023 Flier

Eudunda Australia Day Breakfast and Community Awards 2022
2022 Flier

Eudunda Australia Day Breakfast and Community Awards. Who will be the winners in 2021?
2021 Flier

Eudunda Australia Day Breakfast and Community Awards. Who will be the winners in 2020?
2020 Flier

Eudunda Australia Day Breakfast and Community Awards. Who will be the winners in 2019?
2019 Flier

At the Australia Day Breakfast Celebrations held in the Eudunda Gardens on Australia Day, January 26th 2018 approximately 150 people gathered to have a chat over a tasty and free breakfast put on by the Eudunda Show Committee and to recognise and celebrate the achievements of some in our community.
The event is sponsored by the Regional Council of Goyder and organised by the Eudunda Community, Business and Tourism Committee (ECBAT) who wish to thank all those who contribute to the community and to help organise this event.
Fortunately the morning weather was quite pleasant, a relief after the many hot days. At 9am the very capable Bill Mader took on the job of MC and introduced Eudunda’s Ward Councillors, Cr. Blake rule and Cr. Peter Dunn who were to present the awards.
Trevor Mathews, Chairperson of Eudunda Community, Business and Tourism Committee (ECBAT) gave the gathering a great summary of what challenges and the many great achievements ECBAT has had in the past year. It is a time to look forward, and to work with our local council to solve some of the issues we face and to make some improvements.
Eudunda’s Tidy Town Awards were presented first,
- Best Community Project – Eudunda RSL – Anzac Day Ceremony, with Eudunda RSL Present John Stevens accepting the award.
- Christmas Lights Displays – Not awarded for 2017
- Best Presented Property for Residents over 70 – Myrtle Prior
- Most Improved Residential Property – Angela Francis, whom is doing a great job restoring one of the oldest houses remaining in Eudunda.
- Best Community Grounds – Eudunda Caravan Park, accepted by Trevor Mathews and Greg Post, who are please to see the project reach completion after years of red tape.
- Best Presented Business Premises – Infinity 13, accepted by owner Lisa Menzel, who operates a new hairdresser shop in the main street.
- Best Garden for Rural Properties – this new award went to Hedley and Joy Scholz
- Best Presented Garden – Pam Dutschke. It was mentioned that not only does Pam have a great personal garden, but she looks after many other gardens of note as well. Great work Pam!
- Best Presented property for 2017 – Bob and Deadra Leditschke who were presented with a certificate and the Perpetual Trophy to display in their home for this coming year.
Next came the Australia Day Awards
- Young Citizen of the Year – Kayla Steinborner. Anna Roebuck told the gathering she nominated Kayla for this great award for her efforts in fund-raising for others in need.
- Community Event of the Year – Eudunda Christmas Street Parade & Party, accepted by Regina Scholz & Katie Preston for the great work they have done to make the event a success (as it has been for the last 5 years they have coordinated it)
- Citizen of the Year – Trevor & Julie Mathews as Join Winners. Ruth Colben nominated them both and explained just how hard it was to get them to accept this award. Both Julie & Trevor do a massive amount of work, much of it unseen and they are very humble people, not wanting accolades. Ruth told us that In the end they only agreed when she was able to convince them that they would be promoting “Volunteerism” in the community, and both Julie and Trevor highlighted how volunteering for your local community in some way, was very valuable to all.

Eudunda Australia Day Breakfast and Community Awards. Who will be the winners in 2018?
2018 Flier

Australia Day Award Presentations 2017 - Eudunda

Citizen of the Year: Pam Dutschke

Young Citizen of the Year: Blake Launer

Community Event of the Year: Eudunda Hall & Catering Committee

Eudunda & Robertstown have a proud history of participation in the Australia Day Breakfast and Community Awards.

Eudunda KESAB Tidy Town Awards
Award Category | Award Recipient |
Best Community Project | Eudunda Lutheran parish - Longest Lutheran Lunch |
Christmas Lights Displays | Rodney & Betty Pfitzner Bronte & Carol Pfitzner |
Best Presented Property for Residents over 70 | Yvonne Schulz |
Most Improved Residential Property | Bill & Lynne Sanford |
Best Community Grounds | Eudunda RSL Monument & Garden |
Best Presented Business Premises | Eudunda Chem Plus Chemist |
Best Presented Garden | Geoff & Liz Mosey |
Best Presented Property for 2015 | Ross Potter |
Australia Day Awards
Award Category | Award Recipient |
Young Citizen of the Year | Kahlia Jenke |
Event of the Year | Eudunda Bowling Club's 90th Birthday Celebrations |
Citizen of the Year | Kathy Handke |