Join the Mid North Industry Leaders Group,
Regional Development Australia Yorke & Mid North,
Department of State Development,
Eudunda Community Business & Tourism
and enjoy an opportunity to network with
other businesses in your community.
Monday 14th August
5.30pm – 8.00pm
RSL Clubrooms, 2 Railway Parade, Eudunda
Light Supper and Drinks Provided
RSVP’s Essential – by 10th Aug.
RSVP by Thursday 10th August to Midge Wallace: or call 1300 742 414
Guest Presenter:
Word Solutions – Business Marketing through Social Media
Presentations from:
Mid North Industry Leaders Group
Regional Development Australia Yorke & Mid North
Eudunda Community Business & Tourism
Department of State Development
The Mid North Industry Leaders Group (ILG) was formed in partnership with the Department of State Development and Regional Development Australia Yorke & Mid North, and is made up of 8 local industry representatives. The ILG provides local intelligence about skills, employment and workforce needs directly to the State Government. This event is one in a series of business networking events in the region.