On Tuesday 25th July 2017 the public opening of the Eudunda Community Hub took place at the old Regional Council of Goyder Depot on the corner of Pine Street and World’s End Highway.
There was a great interest in this new community resource, and much to the delight of the small committee, some 30 people attending the official opening and another 20 or so came during the day to find out more.
Gus Geursen during his welcoming speech told of being granted $958 from the Regional Council of Goyder Eudunda Ward Sport and Recreation Fund with the Eudunda Community Business and Tourism Committee (ECBAT) help to set up furniture and equipment for the new Community Hub. He also told that they had gained additional State Government funding to buy some bigger pieces of equipment. The Hub is funded by Memberships, grants and donations. The members can make things for themselves or donate them for sale, so that the hub can continue to operate. It was stressed that the Hub was for all ages and for both men and women. Some members are willing to share thier skills and passion and help others to learn what they do. The Hub is not just about working with new skills but about getting out and meeting others, and game play such as cards is also on offer.
During the opening the committee were able to show off a great array of equipment, generously donated to them, and some of the projects volunteers might like to tackle with activities including woodworking, metalwork, tiling and other art projects, knitting, board games and cards.. The committee asked for suggestions and many offered up some great ideas. The Committee are keen to have people sign up as members, and become active in thier own projects or to join in with others. Best way to find out what is happening is to ‘drop in’ on a Tuesday and have a chat.
Reporting on this weeks activities, held yesterday, Committee member Roth Colben said,
“At one stage we had about five or six women knitting, crocheting and rug making in the kitchen area. Some of us did mosaic work too. On the woodwork side they were busy cleaning up a donated jarrah outdoor setting which someone has already promised a very generous donation of money for. Another interesting project coming to light is that of making signs for a local shop”.
Photo Above: Katie Preston representing the Eudunda Street Party Committee presented a $300 cheque to the Eudunda Community Hub.
L-R: Gerrie Danielse, Julie Mathews, Ruth Colben, Katie Preston (Street Party), Gus Geursen
Below Photo Left: Lots of tiles and craft material already collected and a mosaic tiling project underway.
This story was covered in the Southern Goyder Newsletter from ECBAT #47 where you can find more photos